Thursday, December 8, 2011

Reverb 11 Story

What label/story/box/belief clipped your wings this year? How can you flip the script in 2012? What’s your new story?

It's not a new belief, but it's a prevalent one -- sometimes I believe it's just too late.  It's as if I have an expiration date, and if certain things haven't happened by a certain time, I rationalize the experience isn't worth having.  I wrestle with this belief often, for there are certain things I associate with youth, or a younger self.  I constantly try to flip the script, and not give in to such negative, limiting thoughts.  I try to glean perspective from various points of view, and hold on to the truth that anything is possible.  I'm very aware of the stories we tell about ourselves and others, and all story is fiction.  The past, a mixture of memories and honed sentences isn't necessarily accurate, and the future, without a crystal ball, is pure fabrication often rooted in fear.  So, my true goal in 2012 is to have no story.

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