Sunday, December 4, 2011

Reverb 11 - Fear

Fear: If you could take a pill to *cure* just one of your fears from 2011, which one would you choose + why?

Getting older is humbling in so many ways.  The speed at which time passes, at which my life seems to be passing, can unnerve me.  I don't know how I got to this stage in my life so quickly.  I have had some big dreams that have not come true, but I try not to focus on what wasn't and instead embrace what is, and most importantly remain optimistic about the future.  I'm an optimistic realist.  My beliefs, dreams and hopes are in part shaped but by my past, and I wonder if this does me a disservice, or grounds me to what is real.  I don't want to get caught up in the past or future,  I want to live in the now, and experience all that is possible.

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