Monday, December 12, 2011

Reverb 11 - Twelve Things

What are 12 things your life doesn’t need in 2012? How will you go about eliminating them? How will getting rid of these 12 things change your life? If you did Reverb10, how are you making out on your 11 Things from last year?

Reviewing my list from my last year, I'm suprised to see how many things I've eliminated.  I've had much more balance this year, no doubt due to my new job, which has provided creative, collaborative connection.  I have a clear vision of the life I want, and I'm living it.  Albeit painful, I've let go of  toxic friends, making room for new meaningful relationships.  I don't have many things I want to eliminate, but the ones I do have are BIG.

1. worrying about anything associated with the future

2. letting go of potential regret for roads not taken

3.  concerns about how quickly time is passing, and fear of aging

4.  getting caught in other people's anxiety

5.  gossip; I don't do it often, but when I do, it feels awful

6. would of, should of, could of thinking

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