Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Warning Signs

There were warning signs this weekend in Vegas I was coming down with some kind of bug or flu, but I ignored them.  I credited my nausea to the heat, possible dehydration, late night eating, even the smokey casinos.  Anything but the possibility that I was actually sick.  Being ill seemed illogical since I'm well rested, eating well, exercising and happy.   Yet the physical symptoms were loud and clear.  While couch bound these past 48 hours I can't help but question how many other signs cross my path that I am unable to see.  The picture was taken during a walk in the Hollywood Hills.

1 comment:

  1. Wishing you a quick recovery. I'm up late tonight journaling and sorting out things. Good observation about the things we don't 'see' - that's part of what I'm journaling about.

    Heal well.
