Thursday, June 17, 2010

Self-Inflicted Portrait

When I joined the Flickr challenge to take my picture every day for a year, my goal was to  experiment with light, composition and setting.  I didn't anticipate how much the subject matter would make me cringe.  It's one thing to age.  It's another to examine it daily through a high end lens, which trust me, is a much harsher prism than a mirror.  As one thing often leads to another, I have found myself Googling various noninvasive facial treatments and becoming an expert on lasers, peels, injectables.  I live in LA where these therapies are readily available, and lovingly embraced, but are they for me?  I've always wanted to age gracefully.  I admire silver haired women whose faces glow with wisdom and laugh lines, yet I've been dyeing my roots for several years now.  Does that make me a hypocrite, or just someone who feels too young to go gray?  For now, I'm getting more and more comfortable with my image and don't plan on undergoing any radical treatments.  I'm also becoming a big fan of the slightly, out-of-focus self portrait.  This picture was taken in my mirror while holding a wreath of white Christmas lights.

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