Tuesday, June 1, 2010


It's barely 6:30am when the morning stillness is broken by newscopters hovering over the freeway.  I'm awake.  I'm usually awake at this hour if only to watch the ambient light bounce off the hills.  Radiant, golden-amber light.  Always worth waking to see the day break over the hills.  I've always loved the morning, but I love it more now.   I embrace and savor every glorious moment, every bird chirp, every leaf-blower.  I have nowhere else to be, nothing else to do .  The joys of not working are many, but none are as blissful as a morning that unfolds as naturally as the light across the hills.  The picture was taken in my garden.

1 comment:

  1. your style is fun!

    every glorious leaf-blower.

    stillness and hovering newscopters.

    (found you through MB)
