My first blog entry was a year ago today. The creation was sparked by my participation in Mondo Beyondo, an online class about dreaming. On the front page of the website is the following quote by Dom Helder Camara:
When we are dreaming alone it is only a dream. When we are dreaming with others, it is the beginning of reality.
The class inspired me to take on new challenges, to execute my creative passions, to be heard and seen. Many wishes were unlocked and looking back it's evident May was a prolific creative time. I completed my first photography class, I started 365 Days and I devised this blog. In the past year, I took many flights to far away places, and the blog was an excellent repository for these experiences. On home ground my musings varied from documenting local adventures to my current state of mind. I look forward to another year of entries chronicling the world through my lens, the triumphs and challenges, and seeing where the wind blows me.
Happy Anniversary. I am happy for you!!!