Sunday, October 5, 2014

'64 Transformers

And so the story goes:

 Twenty years ago, the brothers Sloan were traveling in Germany.  In a small Bavarian town, Bayreuth, best known for where Wagner died, they found themselves in a bar.  After several pints they were engaged in lively conversation with a man who had a profound philosophy.  His name was Uwe Adelfang, and he posited that there is a collective, transformative energy among those born in a given year.  Thus, SJS was christened a '64 Transfomer.   The brothers agreed this was a significant evening in their shared history, yet one was certain Uwe called them transporters, not transformers.  Since SJS' wife had only heard the transformer version, had already printed the tee shirts, and written a toast around this theme, transformer it is!  In three years, when the younger brother turns 50, '67 Transporters it shall be.

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