Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Seeker

I'm a seeker.  For better or for worse I'm open to exploring all paths where enlightenment may be gleaned.  This past week my quest opened a virtual Pandora's box of whirling dervishes leaving me bereft, exhausted and panicked.  In yoga today the instructor spoke about finding one's edge and surrendering to the discomfort.  I unexpectedly found myself on that exact precipice.  For a horrific 24 hours I  white knuckled the ledge of the universe.  I was coaxed into calmness by the loving goodness and generosity of friends.  They patiently nurtured me back to my comfort zone.  They listened to my fears,  provided tissues for my sobs, and a bed for my weary body.  The experience has left me humbled, grateful and in awe of the power of the universe.    As I type these words I sit where the land meets the sea watching the sun disappear into the haze.  A place I couldn't envision yesterday.  A place I will imprint on my soul when I question what any of this is all about.

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