Friday, May 8, 2015

Love Affair

I fall in love with places.
I don't know what comes first;
the pull to go to a certain city or the experiences, once I'm there, that leave an indelible mark.
My heart is lassoed to three locations:
New York City, Los Angeles, and Palm Springs.
Lucky me, this week I was in all three.
New York City was my first love, and it still makes my heart skip a beat.
It was the metropolis that cast the largest shadow on my suburban home town.
Frankie sang about it. Ann Marie inhabited it.  My ancestors settled there.
When I envisioned myself post college, tossing my hat up in the air,
the backdrop was always Manhattan.
My inevitable future.
Los Angeles took me by surprise.
In my late 20s, my unexpected restlessness caught me off guard.
The City of Angels teased me like a siren coaxing a sailor.  I had no choice, but to acquiesce.
I left not knowing if I'd return, but I never truly considered going back.
LA found me.
It gave me mountains to climb, an inspiring career and a home to entertain in.
When I started to shift my life to include Palm Springs
I was unaware the joy it would give me and for how long.
My heart thrives in the desert's glowing light, and arid climate.
There are other places that, every so often, whisper my name.
Perhaps, one day they will take root
and blossom into a love affair.

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