Friday, October 11, 2013

From Day to Night

I woke up with a strong desire to be on a hiking trail, but the hours before my first meeting slipped through my grasp.  Some days it's easier to succumb to not having time to exercise, but today my yearning didn't wane.  As the work week finally receded, I scrambled up the mountain as the sun was setting.  On the way down I had a magical experience.  The path became darker, the half moon cast shadows, and I needed my flashlight app to navigate the rocky terrain.  All was still as I fully experienced this stunning transition from day to night.

I don't know what it is about the transitional times of day that move me so deeply.  The shifting light has obvious appeal, but the more I'm present in my life the more I profoundly experience the daily cycle of beginnings and endings.  An unending loop of starts and finishes infusing me with hope and gratitude.  An acknowledgement of what has been and what is ahead.  I'm calmed by this fluidity.  It is the only thing that is constant, and is a reminder that nothing is ever static.

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