Thursday, June 7, 2012


I was in my mid-20s when I found out corn on the cob was not dessert.  Growing up, that's how my mother served it.  During dinner she would "put the pot on to boil", and by the time we finished our meal, steaming, locally grown corn was served.  I must have been dining at a friend's the first time I had corn with my meal, and I had a crazy realization.  What if it's not normal to eat corn after a meal.  It is in fact a starchy vegetable.  Shortly after I asked my mother where this custom originated from, and she nonchalantly said something to the effect that this is what her mother had done.  Over time I let go of this tradition, but tonight after a light dinner of kelp noodles and vegetables, I satiated my dessert craving with a sweet ear of yellow corn.

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