Sunday, December 13, 2020


Today was a flawless embodiment of Saturday. 
When we woke to a cool, but sunny morning in the desert 
work was already in the hard-to-reach corners of our respective minds.
Holding hands, we walked the double wide streets of the neighborhood
to a local coffee spot.
With the sun warm on our faces, we ate breakfast on the patio and
slowly eased into discussing how we wanted to unspool the hours ahead of us.
We drove to a nearby preserve and got lost in the silence of nature.
A dramatic sky overhead and sandy river beds underfoot, 
I felt an expansive peacefulness in my chest as I sucked in the clean air.
I've been susceptible to the tension of our times.
The collective trauma triggered by the deadly virus is as invisible and pervasive as the disease. 
It percolates under my skin, permeates other aspects of my life with a pulsing pressure 
extracting vital energy.
But today was a much needed day of ease and restoration, warmth and connection. 

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