Wednesday, November 21, 2012


The reservoir of trust is a very simple, straightforward idea. If we accept a challenge and take certain steps to accomplish something, the process will yield results—either success or failure. When you sow a seed or plant a tree, either the  seed will germinate, the tree will grow, or it will die. Similarly, for the inquisitive  warrior, trust means that we know that our actions will bring a definite response from reality. We know that we will get a message. Failure generally is telling us  that our action has been undisciplined and inaccurate in some way. Therefore, it fails. When our action is fully disciplined, it usually is fulfilled; we have success.   But those responses are not regarded as either punishment or congratulations.
Trust, then, is being willing to take a chance, knowing that what goes up must come down, as they say. When a warrior has that kind of trust in the reflections of the phenomenal world, then he or she can trust his or her individual discovery of goodness. Communication produces results: either success or failure. That is how the fearless warrior relates with the universe, not by remaining alone and insecure, hiding away, but by constantly being exposed to the phenomenal world and constantly being willing to take that chance.

Chögyam Trungpa

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